How it all started

One morning, like any other, I grabbed my phone, turned the alarm off, and immediately opened Facebook. Yeah, they say it’s not the best way to start your day. But hey, old habits die hard.

As I scrolled through the usual mix of mom influencer updates, cute cat videos, and posts from plant enthusiasts, something caught my eye: a news headline that read, “Is hypnotherapy the secret behind Adele’s incredible weight loss?”

I’m a big fan. And also someone who’s had their own weight struggles. So of course, I couldn’t resist clicking on the article to learn more about her journey.

The article shared Adele’s weight loss story, clearing up some rumours along the way. Turns out, hypnotherapy played a role in her success. After reading her story, I thought, “Good for her,” and moved on, thinking it was interesting but a world away from my own life.

How I got more invested

However, later, at dinner, when my husband asked about my day, all I could think about was this hypnotherapy thing, something I’d never given a second thought until this morning.

You see, both my husband and I have a thing for food. Maybe a bit too much of a thing. We’ve tried various diets, keto, counting calories, fasting—you name it. But the weight always found its way back. It didn’t feel like being a little overweight was ruining our lives, but we realised that losing those extra pounds would make life better for our health, our time with the kids, and even us as a couple.

That night, as we lay in bed, I shared the hypnotherapy idea with my husband. He’s the practical one, so he asked some good questions, and I did some research.

Finding the right solution for us

I stumbled upon a website called HypnoHealth offering self-hypnosis sessions. They send personalized audio recordings for a weekly cost that is less than a cup of coffee. We figured it was worth a shot before considering a personal hypnotherapist, which is, believe me, way pricier.

So there we were the following night, lying in bed, listening to a soothing voice. It felt strangely pleasant and relaxing. That night, we slept like babies, and the trend continued. But you’re probably wondering, did we actually lose weight?

Unexpected transformation

You bet we did. On that first morning, I woke up feeling well-rested. Instead of my usual donut, I prepared some eggs for breakfast. I didn’t snack after breakfast, and I didn’t even feel the usual dessert craving after lunch. We didn’t binge eat when watching TV that night as we used to. I was convinced it might just be a placebo effect on that initial day, but to my surprise, it wasn’t. This positive change persisted—day after day, week after week—for a solid 6 months, then 9 months, then well over a year.

Is it over?

I lost 32 pounds, and my husband dropped 27. But it’s not just about how we look on the outside. Adele once said, “The first thing to do is be happy with yourself and appreciate your body—only then should you try to change things about yourself.” And that’s exactly what hypnotherapy did to us. It helped us feel better about ourselves, and that inspired us to take better care of our health.

Our journey isn’t over, but it’s been a really good one thus far. We feel healthier and happier, our relationship has deepened, and it feels amazing to know that we are setting a positive example for our children. I wish we had discovered and tried this approach earlier; that’s my only regret.

So, I guess I should end this by saying: Thank you, Adele. You made our lives much better without even knowing.


TheHealth.News recently spotlighted a compelling narrative about Emily, which has significantly boosted Hypno.Health’s visibility among the public. Hypno.Health reached out to us, revealing that Emily’s tale had struck a chord with a large audience, many of whom are now keen to explore their services. To celebrate this wave of interest, Hypno.Health is temporarily offering a up to 50% price reduction across their packages. To claim this offer, just follow the provided link and engage in an obligation-free Hypno.Health quiz!

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