What separates a good website from a great one is a foundation of authority, expertise, and trust, and those are exactly the elements that Health News’s medical team embodies.

Our medical team includes top-tier experts who manage our medical network and work relentlessly to guarantee that all our health content, services, and products are scientifically accurate and unimpeachable.

Health News’s network of medical professionals spans all fields of healthcare expertise – all of them fortified by decades of experience, extensive clinical research, practice, and patient advocacy.

This enables our readers to access the highest-quality health information, supporting our aim of health equity and inclusivity throughout all of our content.

None of our health-related content is published before our medical team has reviewed it, confirming that it’s medically accurate, supported by relevant citations, and aligned with the current standard of care.

In simpler terms, our health content accurately mirrors the decision points and discussions that occur between you and your trusted healthcare provider or physician.

Please be sure to look for the medical review label on all of our articles to ensure that a Health News article meets our standards.


Marina Petrosyan, MD

Marina Petrosyan is a dedicated physician who received her medical degree in 2016 from the University of Buenos Aires and has continued her work in the field uninterruptedly since.

Her professional journey includes working as a resident physician in a variety of medical institutions. Amid the challenges of the Covid pandemic, Marina made significant contributions to the internal medicine department. In addition to her regular duties, she also holds morning consultations at the esteemed San Carlos Private Clinic.