A revolutionary approach to weight loss is quickly gaining traction—e-Hypnotherapy. Praised for its effectiveness and ease of use, this new form of hypnotherapy is set to transform how we think about shedding pounds.

Hypnotherapy has long been recognized by scientists and health professionals for its benefits in modifying behavior and mental states. Studies highlight its ability to effectively change habits and attitudes, which are often the bedrock of successful weight loss.

For instance, one study from Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology showed that using hypnosis helped participants lose 2.46 times more weight (link to the study).

Another study from Journal of Clinical Psychology showed that the hypnosis clients showed significant additional weight loss at the 8-month and 2-year follow-ups (link to the study).

Traditional weight loss methods demand significant willpower and constant determination, challenging your day-to-day resolve and often leading to failure.

Hypnotherapy, however, taps directly into the subconscious, changing the very foundation of our cravings and habits. This means not just fighting the symptoms of unhealthy habits, but fundamentally curing the cause.

Despite its proven potential, many who have sought hypnotherapy face obstacles such as conflicting information, scarce availability of experts, and soaring consultation fees. However, the landscape is changing.

The advent of e-Hypnotherapy offers a new promise for 2024.

So what is e-Hypnotherapy? It’s a general name for online platforms providing self-hypnosis hypnotherapy courses. They solve the above mentioned issues as they cost just a fraction of what hypnotherapy experts cost, the content is always available and adjustable to your schedule and it’s carefully curated.

The quality of these courses varies depending on the provider, but rest assured, we’ve evaluated several and will offer our recommendations towards the end of this article.

Our editorial team is excited to share everything you need to know about this groundbreaking approach to weight loss.

Hypnotherapy: What Is It Really?

Most of us have seen hypnosis portrayed in shows where people are compelled to perform hilarious antics onstage. Yet, not everyone is familiar with hypnosis as a powerful tool for addressing personal challenges—especially weight loss.

Unlike stage hypnosis, therapeutic hypnotherapy delves into the subconscious, the layer of our mind that controls habits and desires. It’s in this deep mental state where true changes in behavior and lifestyle can begin, particularly in how we manage our weight.

The subconscious plays a crucial role, influencing not just how we lose weight but also how we maintain our new healthier weight over time.

Every day, we attempt to tap into our subconscious to better ourselves—through inspiration, motivation, and similar efforts. Yet, only a handful are taught how to harness this power effectively, which can be transformative, particularly in sustaining weight loss.

Imagine if your cravings for calorie-rich foods were diminished or if healthier choices came naturally to you. Wouldn’t maintaining a healthy lifestyle be significantly easier?

This is the promise of hypnotherapy: to align your subconscious desires with your conscious goals, making the path to weight loss feel almost effortless.

The Scientific Truth Behind Hypnotherapy

While hypnosis often conjures images of extreme mind control, many remain skeptical of its practical benefits, particularly for weight loss. However, a body of peer-reviewed scientific studies firmly supports hypnotherapy’s effectiveness in altering behaviors crucial for losing weight and maintaining health. Here are some example studies.

Study 1: “Effectiveness of hypnosis as an adjunct to behavioral weight management”Journal of Clinical Psychology
This study found that participants who used hypnosis alongside a behavioral weight management program not only lost more weight but also maintained their weight loss significantly better at follow-ups 8 months and 2 years later, showcasing hypnotherapy’s long-term benefits. (link to the study)

Study 2: “Hypnotherapy in weight loss treatment”Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Researchers reported that individuals undergoing hypnotherapy lost more than double the weight compared to those who didn’t use hypnosis, emphasizing hypnotherapy’s enhancement to traditional weight loss approaches. (link to the study)

Study 3: “Hypnosis as an adjunct to cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy: A meta-analysis”Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
This meta-analysis consolidates data from multiple studies, revealing that cognitive-behavioral therapy combined with hypnotherapy produces greater weight loss than CBT alone, thus highlighting the additive effect of hypnosis. (link to the study)

Study 4: “Does hypnosis result in greater weight loss compared to conventional approach?”American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
In 2022, this study explored the role of hypnosis in significantly increasing the amount of weight loss in individuals, showing a clear, positive impact when hypnosis is employed as part of a weight loss strategy. (link to the study)

Study 5: “A Qualitative Exploration of Weight Loss Experiences through Hypnotherapy”International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
In 2023, this qualitative study aimed to explore individuals’ experiences of losing weight through hypnotherapy. They concluded that Hypnotherapy is essential as an adjunct tool in assisting weight loss. (link to the study)

Nowadays there are countless studies showing enormous benefits of Hypnotherapy in changing your habits and aiding your journey in weight loss. These studies underscore hypnotherapy’s role not just in rapid weight loss but in fostering healthier long-term lifestyle changes.

Hypnosis helps individuals align their subconscious motivations with conscious weight management goals, making the desired behaviors less of a struggle and more of a natural inclination. This foundational change is why e-Hypnotherapy could be the key to sustainable weight loss, free from the yo-yo dieting cycle that plagues conventional methods.

What Experts Say About Hypnotherapy

Patients are patients because they are out of rapport with their own unconscious… Patients are people who have had too much programming – so much outside programming that they have lost touch with their inner selves.” – Milton H. Erickson. He indicated that subconscious mind played an enormous role in a person’s life.

There is really no such thing as a hypnotist.” – Dave Elman. The subject hypnotizes themselves even though there might be a hypnotist present. Essentially, this means that everyone is capable of hypnotic power and a hypnosis expert might just be able to help get their more efficiently.

If you don’t take responsibility for programming yourself, then someone else will.” – Paul McKenna. Even though you are not consciously directing your subconscious, it is already being directed by your environment. Hypnotherapy helps you take control of that programming your subconscious ir receiving.

How you choose typically matters more than what you choose.” – Michael D. Yapko, Ph. D. Gaining back the weight after diets has become so common that it now has a term – yo-yo dieting. Micheal’s quote gets right to the heart of the issue – if you are keeping the diet by shear power of will, sooner or later it will stop working. That’s where hypnotherapy comes in – it helps you choose desirable actions without requiring constant struggles.

Common Reasons People Don’t Use Hypnotherapy For Weight Loss

Despite numerous success stories, even from celebrities, hypnotherapy remains a less conventional method for weight loss.

Many individuals find it difficult to access reliable information on how to effectively use hypnotherapy to shed pounds. When we searched for guidance, we were quickly overwhelmed by the volume and inconsistency of information available.

Online, one can find various techniques and pieces of advice, but piecing together a coherent and effective strategy proves to be a challenge.

Here, we outline the three most common reasons why people fail to utilize hypnotherapy for weight loss and how to overcome them:

Reason 1: Information Overload There is an abundance of resources about hypnotherapy online, ranging from free materials to expensive courses targeting various issues. This plethora of options often leads to a fragmented approach that fails to deliver results. To combat this, experts recommend seeking out credible sources and specifically asking for structured courses aimed at weight loss rather than piecing together disparate pieces of information.

Reason 2: Scarcity of Qualified Hypnotherapists With the rising popularity of hypnotherapy, finding available experts has become increasingly difficult. Furthermore, the surge in demand has also led to the emergence of less qualified practitioners looking to capitalize on the trend. To ensure you’re getting quality service, it’s crucial to do thorough research on hypnotherapists, seek out reviews, and confirm their credentials before committing.

Reason 3: High Cost of Hypnotherapy The cost of traditional hypnotherapy sessions can be prohibitive, with prices ranging from approximately $250 per hour to over $1000 for more renowned experts. This makes access difficult for many. However, the rise of e-Hypnotherapy platforms offers a more affordable solution, providing professional guidance at a fraction of the cost. This development is making hypnotherapy accessible to a broader audience, ensuring more people can benefit from its potential without breaking the bank.

Why The New “Improved And Accessible” e-Hypnotherapy Could Make Traditional Weight Loss Strategies Obsolete

To overcome the challenges of regular hypnotherapy and traditional weight loss strategies, innovative startup HypnoHealth has created an online self-hypnosis course specifically tailored for weight loss. Due to its effectiveness it has sparked a new trend in online self-hypnosis courses for problematic areas – all generally now called e-Hypnotherapy.

According to experts, e-Hypnotherapy could make regular weight loss strategies obsolete as hypnotherapy targets a person’s subconscious for long lasting results and as this form is widely accessible due to a significantly reduced cost compared to a hypnotherapy consultancy.

Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach to weight loss that addresses the deeper psychological aspects of eating and exercise habits, making it superior to many traditional weight loss strategies. Here are several key reasons why hypnotherapy stands out:

  • Subconscious Change: Hypnotherapy works by influencing the subconscious mind, the area responsible for our automatic habits and impulses. This deep-seated change is more sustainable than the temporary willpower used in traditional diets.
  • Reduces Cravings: Instead of requiring dieters to constantly resist temptations, hypnotherapy can help naturally reduce cravings for unhealthy foods by altering the underlying preferences in the subconscious.
  • Stress and Emotional Eating: Hypnotherapy helps manage stress and emotional triggers that often lead to overeating, providing tools to cope in healthier ways that do not involve food.
  • No Severe Restrictions: Unlike many diets that impose strict rules and limitations, hypnotherapy encourages a balanced approach to eating, which can be tailored to individual needs and preferences without extreme restrictions.
  • Long-Term Results: Hypnotherapy aims to establish long-lasting eating habits and attitudes towards food and health, rather than offering a quick but temporary fix.

Currently, there are a few services providing e-Hypnotherapy courses for weight loss, and as promised, we did our research to find the best. What we found is that the hypnotherapy course provided by HypnoHealth is by far the best. This makes sense, as they were the first to offer such courses and have had time to improve.

Here are some points that made HypnoHealth stand out for us:

  • The course is really well-structured and clear. We were surprised by how thoughtfully the program is planned far into the future – you get a clear picture of what’s to come each week.
  • The hypnotherapy audio recordings themselves are of really great quality. We compared them with their competitors, and everyone on our editorial team had a strong preference for HypnoHealth.
  • An unexpected surprise was the weekly PDFs that accompany your hypnotherapy recordings – they provide information on how to get more from each session.

Official HypnoHealth Website

We’ve had some people contacting us as they were unsure which HypnoHealth website we were referring to (it seems that a Google search brings up some similar results).

If you want to find the HypnoHealth self-hypnosis course we tried, you should visit https://hypno.health/

Get started with self-hypnotherapy for weight loss and secure up to 50% discount while the offer lasts

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  1. EllieM April 6, 2024 at 1:56 pm - Reply

    Fascinating read! I’ve tried traditional methods with limited success. This e-Hypnotherapy sounds promising. Has anyone here tried it?

    • VeganVicky April 9, 2024 at 2:02 pm - Reply

      I just started a course with Hypno.Health last week! It’s too early to see major changes, but I’m already feeling more in control of my food choices. Really excited to see where this leads.

    • SweetToothSam May 2, 2024 at 12:01 pm - Reply

      I’ve actually been using it for 6 months now. Honestly it’s made a big impact on my life. There were ups and downs, but I’ve lost around 30-35 lbs since starting. If you take it seriously, it can really make a difference.

  2. TranquilTina April 6, 2024 at 8:25 pm - Reply

    Does anyone know which hypnotherapy service this article refers to? When I search for hypnohealth i find 2 services

  3. Gina April 12, 2024 at 8:17 pm - Reply

    I was skeptical at first, but honestly, it’s been incredibly helpful. It’s not just about losing weight, it’s about changing how you think about food and health. I highly recommend giving it a try!

  4. JessieJ April 22, 2024 at 7:59 am - Reply

    Oh for sure, I’ve been on it for a bit now. Super chill to do at home and honestly, it’s kinda fun. You gotta try it out!

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