As many of us know, maintaining healthy weight is not only challenging but becoming more and more difficult. It’s estimated that roughly two out of three U.S. adults are classed as overweight or obese (69%). With so many individuals seeking help for weight management, it’s no wonder there are various paths to choose from. Hypnotherapy is one of those routes that is gaining popularity across the world.

For lots of people, the root cause of being overweight is often linked to their emotional and psychological well-being. Factors such as stress, fatigue, and unhealthy habits, like late-night snacking or overeating, can contribute to excess weight. When these deeper issues are dealt with, people usually find weight is much easier to lose.

Research suggests that hypnosis can help individuals adhere to their diets in the long term. For example, an 18-month study compared two groups: one that follows a diet and exercise regimen and another that combines these efforts with hypnosis. While both groups initially lost weight, the hypnosis group continued to lose weight beyond the study period, possibly due to the rewiring of their brain patterns and increased accountability.

A groundbreaking Stanford research study focused on the effectiveness of hypnotherapy for weight loss, led by the renowned Dr. David Spiegel, reveals that those who underwent hypnotherapy were 34 times more likely to lose weight compared to those who did not.

But despite its worldwide success and clinically proven efficiency, there are still individuals who maintain a strong skepticism toward this weight loss approach. They argue, “I’ve tested every available tool with no success. Why should I attempt this? It’s not a quick-fix solution, after all. And I’m not even sure how this works.”

In this article we’re going to address these concerns, explore how hypnotherapy works and share everything you need to know about this powerful weight loss method.

Hypnotherapy in a nutshell

Most of us have come across the idea of using hypnotherapy for weight loss, whether it’s from hearing celebrities talk about it, a family member’s story, or reading a random news article about an incredible success of a 50-year-old woman who lost 57 pounds with hypnotherapy.

But what exactly is this method?

Hypnosis is a skill your brain can use to help make changes in your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions safely and effectively. In hypnosis, the brain decreases the monitoring and management of information coming from the senses, reduces mind-wandering, and changes its reasoning and planning strategies to fit the hypnotic suggestions given during the hypnosis session. ​​When you’re not in a hypnotised state, you carry these suggestions with you, and they help you change how you feel and act.

Many believe that the attainment of knowledge is power. However, it isn’t in its attainment where power lies but in how we harness what we know to create change. You are probably someone who has already figured out the science of eating well. But are you able to convince yourself to turn this knowledge into action? That’s where hypnotherapy comes in handy.

One of the main benefits of using hypnotherapy for weight loss is that it helps you shed pounds without needing strong willpower. It’s often tough to stick to a diet and exercise routine and resist tempting foods, sugar cravings, and overeating because of a lack of willpower. With hypnotherapy, you are using your mind over willpower. Your mind takes charge, making healthy choices feel natural.

In a few moments, we’ll talk about a new weight loss hypnotherapy course that allowed many individuals to reach their body goals and stick to this enhanced healthier lifestyle. But first, let’s see what science really has to say about hypnotherapy…

What science really has to say about hypnotherapy

While some people remain skeptical about the benefits of hypnotherapy, multiple scientific studies clearly demonstrate how hypnosis is effective for people who want to lose weight and keep it off. Typically, studies compare two groups: one that follows a diet and exercise regimen and another that combines these efforts with hypnosis.

The first study, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, divided 109 people into two groups for a 9-week study. The members of the first group were treated with changes in diet and exercise habits (the only way to lose weight) without the addition of hypnosis. The participants in the second group were given the same diet and exercise treatment and were also provided hypnosis for reinforcement.

After 9 weeks, not surprisingly, both groups lost weight due to the changes in diet and exercise while under supervision. What happened after the 8-month and 2-year follow-ups might surprise you. The group that did not have hypnosis did not lose any more weight, and, in fact, most gained most of their weight back. The hypnosis group, however, continued to lose weight during both intervals, and the studies showed that far more people in the hypnosis group met their long-term weight-loss goals.

The hypnosis group continued the eating and exercise habits learned in the experiment, while the non-hypnosis group did not.

It’s crucial to emphasize that hypnosis alone won’t cause weight loss; you must also make dietary and exercise modifications. You have to follow a healthy eating and exercise plan. However, it is clear that hypnosis supports diet and exercise adherence, which is crucial for losing and maintaining our ideal weight.

The next study investigated the effects of hypnosis in weight loss for 60 females at least 20% overweight and not involved in other treatment. The researchers interviewed each participant this time about their family background, educational background, and their belief as to their hypnotizability.

The group was split into hypnosis and non-hypnosis groups with both groups being given weight-loss behavioral treatments and counseling. The results were very interesting. The group using hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds at the 6-month follow up. The group that did not receive hypnosis only lost 1/2 pound.

An 18-month study on individuals with sleep apnea showed that while both groups initially lost weight, the hypnosis group continued to lose weight beyond the study period, possibly due to the rewiring of their brain patterns and increased accountability.

Additionally, some studies indicate that hypnosis can reduce hunger levels and enhance adherence to dietary plans. Hypnosis may also have biological benefits by reducing stress, which is known to hinder weight loss. However, remember that the primary role of hypnosis in weight loss is to influence behavior and mindset.

What experts think about hypnotherapy for weight loss

“People worry that hypnosis means losing control. It doesn’t. It means enhancing control of your brain.” Dr. David Spiegel, Willson Professor and Associate Chair of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Director of the Center on Stress and Health, and Medical Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine

Trying hypnosis is a worthwhile endeavor, especially once you’ve established a solid foundation with your diet and exercise routine.Dr. Anthony Balduzi, the women’s health expert

“Hypnotherapy can target unresolved emotional issues that keep people from being able to lose weight.” Kathy Barringer, LPCC, a licensed professional clinical counselor at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Integrative Medicine

Certainly, we have considered the perspectives of experts, and examined scientific research. Nevertheless, the question remains: does it deliver tangible results for ordinary individuals, like ourselves? Let’s find out.

Real life experience

Emily, 55, lost 37 pounds in 6 months and became the fastest in her walking group with HypnoHealth – hypnotherapy course for weight loss

“After two years of covid, I had gained so much weight. But I didn’t want to admit it to myself. My kids were concerned and they had been teasing me for a while… I had been ignoring it. I just didn’t want to accept it. Me and my husband were invited to come over for dinner with some friends, someone took pictures, and later that night I looked at the photos that were posted, and I noticed there was a lady who had the same dress that I’d been wearing. So I thought, ‘this is interesting, I don’t remember seeing anyone with the same dress’. And as I looked closer at the picture, I realized that was not somebody else. That was actually me.”

“I was initially very skeptical about hypnotherapy, because to me, it had a connotation with a lack of control. But then I found HypnoHealth, and they provided me with Stanford researched facts explaining it is not a lack of control, it is gaining more control over your subconscious mind.”

“Poor eating is like an addiction. I had to address this the same way I would address any other sickness. So when I read about the HypnoHealth course, I realized that I needed it.”

“There was a missing piece in my weight loss journey, because I had already had enough facts about the science of eating well, but I was not able to convince my mind to turn that into action.”

“With HypnoHealth, I learned to recognize the difference between a physical hunger and emotional hunger. Once I determine it’s a physical hunger, I now opt for something healthy. Seeing that photo of myself that I didn’t recognize helped me visualize treating my body like I would treat another human-being. “Why would I hurt that woman, she did nothing wrong to me?” HypnoHealth course shifted my perspective to identify junk food as a “poison” so as to protect my body from harm.”

“Exercise naturally integrates into your life. Many of my past notions now appear to be misconceptions. I didn’t realize that my bad eating choices were the reason for my lack of exercise. I used to be that person that would circle the parking lot in my car for 10 minutes waiting for the ‘perfect’ spot right next to the door to clear, not willing to walk 60 feet. Now I walk whenever possible! Because my body requires me to move. The food I now eat gives me lots of energy and an urge to exercise, which I never had before.”

“I’m at an age where I can’t afford taking poor care of my body. I want to be healthy until I go. Although our collective lifespan has increased, our health span generally has not. I’m doing my best to make any extra time I get, enjoyable.”

“It’s truly remarkable. Just six months ago, I struggled with self-control and understanding my impulses. Now, I can walk by pastries without a second thought.”

“If you invest in learning about the body and the science of healthier eating, and then use HypnoHealth to implement it, you’re on your way to success.”

Clearly, hypnotherapy demonstrates its effectiveness not only in theory but also in the lives of everyday individuals like us. But how do you get start hypnosis for weight loss?

How do you start hypnotherapy for weight loss

One approach is to look for a certified hypnotherapist in your area. Nevertheless, for some, this method may be both expensive and inconvenient.

Similar to Emily, who shared her own story, numerous individuals have experienced remarkable results through a weight loss hypnotherapy program provided by HypnoHealth. With this program, there’s no need to step out of your home, and you can access your daily sessions at any time that suits you.

The bottom line

While restrictive diets often focus solely on calorie restriction, hypnotherapy delves into the root causes of overeating and unhealthy habits. Research and real-life success stories suggest that hypnotherapy can lead to sustained weight loss by promoting a more balanced, holistic approach to weight management.

If you learn about the science behind eating healthier, then use hypnotherapy to help you implement it, you’re golden.


TheHealth.News recently spotlighted a compelling narrative about Emily, which has significantly boosted Hypno.Health’s visibility among the public. Hypno.Health reached out to us, revealing that Emily’s tale had struck a chord with a large audience, many of whom are now keen to explore their services. To celebrate this wave of interest, Hypno.Health is temporarily offering a up to 50% price reduction across their packages. To claim this offer, just follow the provided link and engage in an obligation-free Hypno.Health quiz!

Get started with self-hypnotherapy for weight loss and secure up to 50% discount while the offer lasts

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