I wish I had realized what was missing years ago. My name is Emily, and I used to be overweight. My mind was constantly preoccupied with how I looked, which made me feel uncomfortable in social situations. Shopping for clothes meant visiting specialty stores, making me feel like this world wasn’t built for me. There’s a hill near my home that I’d sometimes have to climb, and it used to require three stops because I couldn’t make it otherwise. I lost precious years of my life, trying every diet out there with no success.

One day I clicked on the video by Dr. Anthony Balduzi, the women’s health expert. In that special video, he explored an interesting topic: Does hypnosis truly aid in weight loss? Apparently, many people have been inquiring whether hypnosis could complement their weight loss efforts. To answer their question, Dr. Balduzi decided to delve into the scientific studies conducted on hypnosis, explain what hypnosis entails, and provide recommendations on whether you should consider it to enhance your weight loss journey.

The basics

Dr. Balduzi started with the basics: What is hypnosis? At its core, hypnosis is a clinical practice that induces an altered state of consciousness where brainwaves slow down, making us more suggestible. In this state, suggestions can be implanted in our subconscious, potentially reshaping our identity and, consequently, our behaviors. The primary aim of hypnosis is to modify behavior by altering the subconscious mind. It’s not a magic solution that revs up your metabolism for instant weight loss; rather, it assists in aligning your behaviors with your weight loss goals. As we know, achieving and maintaining weight loss is fundamentally about adopting and sticking to healthy habits.

The benefits

Now, what are the benefits of hypnosis? Research suggests that hypnosis can help some individuals adhere to their diets in the long term. However, it’s crucial to emphasize that hypnosis alone won’t cause weight loss; you must also make dietary and exercise modifications. Typically, studies compare two groups: one that follows a diet and exercise regimen and another that combines these efforts with hypnosis. Both groups tend to lose weight, but the hypnosis group often maintains their weight loss more effectively over time. For example, an 18-month study on individuals with sleep apnea showed that while both groups initially lost weight, the hypnosis group continued to lose weight beyond the study period, possibly due to the rewiring of their brain patterns and increased accountability.

Additionally, some studies indicate that hypnosis can reduce hunger levels and enhance adherence to dietary plans. Hypnosis may also have biological benefits by reducing stress, which is known to hinder weight loss. However, remember that the primary role of hypnosis in weight loss is to influence behavior and mindset.

In summary, when combined with diet and exercise, hypnosis offers a great benefit. It’s not a quick fix for shedding pounds, but it can help you adhere to your weight loss plan and manage stress, which contributes to long-term success.

Lastly, it’s worth noting that hypnosis may be more effective for some individuals than others. Women tend to be more influenced by hypnosis than men, and older individuals may respond better as well. However, personal responsiveness can vary, so trying hypnosis is a worthwhile endeavor, especially once you’ve established a solid foundation with your diet and exercise routine.

The humble beginnings

I got curious. I’d heard about how hypnotherapy had assisted celebrities like Adele in shedding pounds, but I’d never thought of giving it a shot myself. It always seemed distant from my reality. However, this time was different. Sure, it felt a bit like a long shot, but I was determined to give it a try.

So, I began my research, and after a few days of scouring the internet, I stumbled upon HypnoHealth, a website that offers self-hypnosis sessions. They send you audio recordings for a weekly fee that’s less than the cost of a cup of coffee. I thought it was worth a try before considering a pricey personal hypnotherapist. Before you can access your personalized plan, you have to take a quiz and answer some questions about yourself. Then, you take a test to see how well you respond to hypnosis. Just like Dr. Balduzi mentioned in his video, hypnosis can work better for some people than others. I scored 8/10, which means that I am above average hypnotizable. In my profile summary, it was explained that I should be able to harness the benefits of self-hypnotherapy effectively. Now it was time to buy and start my journey.

So, there I was that night, lying in bed with my headphones on, hitting play to listen to my first HypnoHealth session. The soothing voice felt oddly pleasant and relaxing. It was so relaxing that I fell asleep after just a few minutes. That night, I slept like a baby, and the trend continued. But you’re probably wondering, did it really help me lose weight?

The switch

The next morning, I looked in the mirror, and something just clicked. I call it “the switch” – that moment when your brain says, “I don’t want to live like this anymore.” Sometimes you think about it briefly, but it usually fades with the next food craving. However, when the switch really happens, it’s an amazing feeling.

After that, I slowly adopted a healthier routine fueled by self-love. Change happened step by step, and then excitement kicked in! I started opting for water instead of my usual Diet Coke, and I effortlessly skipped Ben&Jerry’s during dinner. The journey felt less like a constant battle and more like a peaceful synchronization with my own mind. I felt excited about eating healthier and moving my body. I ended up losing 80 pounds in a year. And most importantly, that weight didn’t come back.

I feel so much better now. Communicating with people feels refreshing now as I no longer feel like everybody is judging me because of my looks. Clothes fit me now, and it’s liberating to always find what I’m looking for in my size. It feels like I fit into this world. Remember the hill I mentioned at the beginning? Just this week, I walked over it while talking on the phone without even realizing I was on it. Again, liberating. I still tear up because I lost years of my life. There are no words to describe how much that simple switch was worth to me.


TheHealth.News recently spotlighted a compelling narrative about Emily, which has significantly boosted Hypno.Health’s visibility among the public. Hypno.Health reached out to us, revealing that Emily’s tale had struck a chord with a large audience, many of whom are now keen to explore their services. To celebrate this wave of interest, Hypno.Health is temporarily offering a up to 50% price reduction across their packages. To claim this offer, just follow the provided link and engage in an obligation-free Hypno.Health quiz!

Get started with self-hypnotherapy for weight loss and secure up to 50% discount while the offer lasts

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One Comment

  1. Elisa October 12, 2023 at 8:13 am - Reply

    Emily, your journey is truly inspiring! At 47, I find myself grappling with similar weight issues, and your story has given me hope and a new perspective on approaching weight loss with self-love and mindfulness through hypnosis. Thank you for sharing! 🌟


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