I Lost 161lbs in 14 Months

I had been overweight my entire life. Food has always been more than just sustenance for me – it’s been a source of comfort, celebration, and at times, a shield.

Growing up in a family deeply connected to the world of food, our bakery and café were the center of our universe. But amidst the joy of baking and sharing meals, I found myself struggling with overeating and shame.

In my teens, I would sneak off to the bakery, indulging in secret binges. I battled silently with bulimia and binge eating, feeling lost and alone.

At the time, I tried the Atkins diet, and in six months, I lost 84 pounds and was feeling good. But once I stopped this diet, the weight quickly found its way back.

Throughout my entire life, I had a lot of negative self-talk. I would tell myself that I wasn’t a good person, that I was ugly, fat, and disgusting. It was a dark time and I thought that if I could just get the weight off me, then everything would be okay.

It wasn’t until I sought help for what I thought was a digestive issue that I was diagnosed with a binge eating disorder. With the support of a compassionate doctor and therapy, I began to untangle the emotional knots that had tied me to food for so long.

The doctor told me something that will forever stick with me. He said: “When you fix the head, the weight will just fall off.”

So, I started seeing a clinical psychologist. I realized that I was using food as my tool to escape what was going on inside me.

In July 2021, while still overweight, I had a moment that changed my life. After a few weeks of journaling, I had a realization that the negative narrator who controlled my every thought wasn’t actually mine. It was a voice I constructed from people around me and society.

I decided to seek further therapy and we discovered that I’d had considerable unresolved childhood trauma from the age of five, incidentally enough, around the time I started hiding food.

The trauma resulted in a lack of self-respect throughout my teenage years and early twenties. It was eye-opening.

In January 2022, weighing 323 lbs, I decided I might finally lose the excess weight for good.

Before that, I thought that if I fixed my weight, everything else would fix itself. But my weight was just a symptom of what I was experiencing. It was a result of me numbing out and trying to ease the discomfort that I felt my entire life with the most easily accessible drug: Food.

How I lost the weight

My sister had lost 92 lbs with a program called HypnoHealth, and I figured I’d give it a go. The first night, I made a promise to myself: I would never see that number on the scale again. With each passing day, I clung to that promise like a lifeline.

Two and a half years later, I have not and I will never see that number again.

In the first ten weeks of doing this program, I lost 42 pounds. I also ordered the personal coaching service they offer and received a daily calorie allowance, which I do not share with people as this journey is about so much more than calories and everyone is different.

The only exercise I did was walking for one hour a day. It sounds simple, but it was not easy for me.

The program mirrored the work I did in therapy and focused on how our minds are the most important element in weight loss.

I also intermittently fasted (and still do). I always broke my fast at noon with a huge salad. As a former food addict, I would be overwhelmed if I only had small portions, so to counteract that I ate in abundance.

Filling my plate with high-volume, lower-calorie foods helped me. Salads are a great way to do this, but we’re not talking about a boring salad—I packed my plate with variety and flavor.

Don’t get me wrong, I also ate some processed food, such as vegan meat substitutes (I am plant-based). But hypnotherapy helped me naturally make healthy food choices most of the time. I avoided pasta or tons of bread, but I did find ways to work them into my calorie allowance once in a while. I also avoided eating out too much.

By March 2021, I had lost a total of 161 pounds. But the real victory wasn’t just the number on the scale – it was the change I felt inside. I had broken free from the grip of self-doubt and emerged stronger and more confident than ever before.

I had finally stepped out of a prison of my own making and set myself free. I was free. I thought the biggest thing would be the weight loss, but it was actually how I showed up for myself. Becoming my own biggest champion resulted in that weight loss.

People are stunned by the change in my appearance, but it’s my friends and family that notice the biggest changes. I’m a much calmer person, I’m more outgoing, open, friendly, some even say “bubbly”.

Today, I stand as living proof that transformation is possible. It’s not about the size of your jeans or the number on the scale – it’s about reclaiming your health and happiness, one step at a time. And no matter where you are on your journey, know that you’re not alone. We’re in this together.


TheHealth.News recently spotlighted a compelling narrative about Amanda, which has significantly boosted Hypno.Health’s visibility among the public. Hypno.Health reached out to us, revealing that Amanda’s tale had struck a chord with a large audience, many of whom are now keen to explore their services. To celebrate this wave of interest, Hypno.Health is temporarily offering an up to 50% price reduction across their packages. To claim this offer, just follow the provided link and engage in an obligation-free Hypno.Health quiz!

Get started with self-hypnotherapy for weight loss and secure up to 50% discount while the offer lasts

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  1. Megan May 5, 2024 at 7:08 pm - Reply

    i’ve been searching for a hypnotherapy program that would work for me for sooo long. thank god I found this post

  2. Paula May 6, 2024 at 12:04 pm - Reply

    I’m turning 41 next month and have been experiencing weight and health problems already. Considering trying HypnoHealth… thanks for sharing your story

  3. Becky May 7, 2024 at 11:02 pm - Reply

    You are so pretty, both before and after 😍 It’s amazing to hear that you are in a much better place right now, inside and out ❤️ You give me hope I can do this too. I will take the quiz now!

  4. K May 8, 2024 at 2:03 pm - Reply

    Amazing ❤️


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