I always sensed that there could be a deeper, more intrinsic solution to sustained weight loss, something that went beyond the superficial layers of diet plans and exercise regimens. It wasn’t specifically the concept of mindfulness but more the idea that the mind could hold significant power in influencing physical states and habits.

How it all started

For as long as I can remember, I have been at war with my weight, entangled in a perpetual dance of loss and gain. My journey has seen the insides of numerous diet plans, from Paleo to Keto to Weight Watchers, and each promised the hope of a lighter, healthier me. While they did deliver transient success, the yo-yo effect was never far behind, pulling me back into the vicious cycle of weight gain, making each endeavor feel like a journey back to square one.

A spark in the dark

During this ongoing quest for lasting solutions, I encountered a groundbreaking Stanford research study focused on the efficacies of hypnotherapy for weight loss, led by the renowned Dr. David Spiegel. The results were nothing short of extraordinary, revealing that those who underwent hypnotherapy were 34 times more likely to lose weight compared to those who did not.

These revelations were a spark in the dark, rekindling my fading hope. I was compelled by the idea that a convergence of mindfulness and targeted therapy could be the panacea to my weight struggles. This wasn’t just another diet plan; it was a journey into the untapped reservoirs of the mind, a possibility to rewrite my relationship with food at a subconscious level.

Diving deeper

Intrigued and hopeful, I delved into the world of hypnotherapy solutions. However, my frequent work-related travels made it challenging to commit to in-person sessions with a hypnotist.

Undeterred, I began exploring self-hypnosis as a more practical and cost-effective option. Yet, without expert guidance, I found the journey challenging, and the desired transformation remained out of reach. It felt like I was stumbling through the process on my own.

Just when I was reaching a point of frustration, thinking maybe hypnotherapy wasn’t the right approach for me, I discovered HypnoHealth. It seemed like a response to my ongoing search for solutions. HypnoHealth was not only more affordable compared to the other options I had looked at but it also offered personalized audio sessions, designed specifically to address weight loss. With a mix of hope and practicality, I decided to give HypnoHealth a try.

The humble beginnings

After answering some in-depth questions that evaluated my relationship with food and taking a hypnotizability test that is designed to estimate one’s receptiveness to hypnotherapy, I started the weight loss program.

The initial days passed, and to be honest, I didn’t perceive any significant change. A part of me was skeptical, thinking, “Is this another dead end?” But, before I could pass any judgments, my close friends and family began to notice subtle shifts in my behavior. They remarked how I seemed to be instinctively gravitating towards healthier food choices and how my portion sizes had naturally reduced.

Reaping the results

As time went on, these changes became more visible and more real. My cousin Luke noted how, during our cinema outings, I started opting for water instead of my usual Diet Coke, and my friend Anna was surprised when I skipped Ben&Jerry’s during our dinner. The journey felt less like a constant battle and more like a peaceful synchronization with my own mind, absent of the typical strain or the need to forcefully exert my will power. It seemed like I had discovered my groove, my automatic route to becoming a healthier individual.

Every night, a 15-minute session with HypnoHealth became my sanctuary, a peaceful escape into the realms of my subconscious, unlocking pathways to positive transformations. Slowly, the scales tilted in my favor, I managed to lose 38 pounds in 8 weeks, reinforcing my belief in the boundless potentials of the mind.

In addition to the personalized audio sessions, you also get insightful daily tips on mindfulness and weight loss. For instance, one valuable advice I received was to be completely present during meals, focusing solely on the act of eating, rather than being preoccupied with past regrets or future anxieties. Initially, this suggestion might sound a bit cliché to some, but I found it remarkably effective. When I consciously engaged with my food, savoring each bite, I noticed I felt full much quicker than when I ate mindlessly.

I tried this so you don’t have to

For those still entangled in the battle with the scales, remember, the mind is a potent ally. Unlocking its potentials could be the key to your transformation. My journey with Self-Hypnosis has been a testament to this truth, a journey from despair to hope, from struggle to ease, all under the gentle guidance of the mind.


TheHealth.News recently spotlighted a compelling narrative about Emily, which has significantly boosted Hypno.Health’s visibility among the public. Hypno.Health reached out to us, revealing that Emily’s tale had struck a chord with a large audience, many of whom are now keen to explore their services. To celebrate this wave of interest, Hypno.Health is temporarily offering a up to 50% price reduction across their packages. To claim this offer, just follow the provided link and engage in an obligation-free Hypno.Health quiz!

Get started with self-hypnotherapy for weight loss and secure up to 50% discount while the offer lasts

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  1. Barb October 16, 2023 at 4:48 am - Reply

    Nice article

  2. Eleanor Jupp October 16, 2023 at 4:51 am - Reply

    Keen to learn more

  3. Patricia October 16, 2023 at 5:07 am - Reply

    Got me thinking, for sure

  4. Suzanne October 16, 2023 at 5:09 am - Reply

    My daughter shared this article with me. Emily, I love your story.

    I used to spend more than 150 USD every month on various weight loss methods yet nothing seemed to work. Hypnotherapy was a game changer for me. It saved me tons of money, and also made life 1000x less stressful. I lost 58 lbs and maintained my ideal weight for a whole year now.

    To anyone who’s reading my boring comment, don’t lose hope! I’m sure you can make it ❤️

  5. Deb October 16, 2023 at 5:18 am - Reply

    I’m 61 and I’ve been struggling with weight my whole life. I had almost given up hope that anything could ever change, but your story has brought a ray of hope into my life. I’m starting this course today with fingers crossed, hoping it will make a difference ❤️🌹

  6. Jennifer James October 16, 2023 at 5:25 am - Reply

    I studied at Stanford 😊 Congratulations on your successful weight loss!

  7. Karen October 16, 2023 at 5:31 am - Reply

    My granddaughter lost 60 lbs with them. Haven’t tried it myself though, I was never overweight.. eating healthy and staying active my whole life.


  8. Mary Johnson October 16, 2023 at 5:35 am - Reply

    I’m 73, Would it help me

  9. Sunny October 16, 2023 at 5:36 am - Reply

    Is it real

  10. Linda Webb October 16, 2023 at 5:53 am - Reply

    I’ve heard of hypnotherapy but never considered it for weight loss. Your success has me reconsidering.

  11. PepperLegs October 16, 2023 at 5:59 am - Reply

    I’m just checking to see if my comment is posted, because–although I’m interested in this–I’m not sure whether the comments are genuine, or just ads, which is giving me pause.

  12. Em October 16, 2023 at 6:03 am - Reply

    I need this

  13. Melody October 17, 2023 at 9:21 pm - Reply

    Thank you for the inspo 💕 Starting this hypno course today, fingers crossed!! 🤞

  14. Barbara October 18, 2023 at 9:38 pm - Reply

    Love this

  15. Eleanor Jupp October 20, 2023 at 5:59 am - Reply

    I need to lose weight so badly. I hope this helps..

  16. Sue Bengston October 31, 2023 at 11:00 pm - Reply

    I’ve struggled all my life but was almost always the bigger one in the group. I’ve tried hypnosis and it worked but he diet had me eating a lot of meat and jerky and that’s not for me.
    Also tried WW several times with no progress.
    We eat pretty healthy; Mediterranean style mostly.
    I would like to believe that there’s something out there but I’m skeptical I so want to feel lighter and healthier

  17. Mary Lee LaBay January 9, 2024 at 11:44 pm - Reply

    As a hypnotherapist for over 30 years, I work with many clients who struggle with weight loss. It subtly and gently supports a person in making better lifestyle choices to promote a sustainable healthy weight. Other factors may need to be addressed as well, such as releasing senescent cells and other biological issues around insulin, for instance, and possibly intermittent fasting and food choices. Hypnotherapy can be key in reaching a productive mindset, removing any secondary gains or inner conflict that lead to self-sabotage, and maintaining forward movement toward the client’s goals.

  18. Fern June 15, 2024 at 5:27 am - Reply


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